Source code for EEMD_Transfer_Learning

Transfer Learning Application Using EEMD
This function uses transfer learning principles on two differen stickout cases for cutting data set. 
It uses one of the cases as training set and train a specified classifier on this data set, then it tests the classfier on the other cases provided by the user.
This functions assumes that the IMFs for EEMD have alread been computed and it asks the paths for data files and decompositions (IMFs).
The informative IMF numbers should be provided by user for training and test set seperately. 
Then, function will generate feature matrix and perform classfication with chosen algorithm by user.
It returns the results in a np.array and prints the total elapsed time.

import time
start2 = time.time()
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as sio
import os.path
import sys
from scipy.stats import skew
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

[docs]def EEMD_Transfer_Learning(stickout_length_training, stickout_length_test, p_train, p_test, Classifier): """ :param str (stickout_length_training): Stickout length for the training data set * if stickout length is 2 inch, '2' * if stickout length is 2.5 inch, '2p5' * if stickout length is 3.5 inch, '3p5' * if stickout length is 4.5 inch, '4p5' :param str (stickout_length_test): Stickout length for the test data set * if stickout length is 2 inch, '2' * if stickout length is 2.5 inch, '2p5' * if stickout length is 3.5 inch, '3p5' * if stickout length is 4.5 inch, '4p5' :param int (p_train): Informative intrinsic mode function (IMF) number for training set :param int (p_test): Informative intrinsic mode function (IMF) number for test set :param str (Classifier): Classifier defined by user * Support Vector Machine: 'SVC' * Logistic Regression: 'LR' * Random Forest Classification: 'RF' * Gradient Boosting: 'GB' :Returns: :results: (np.array([])) Classification results for training and test set for all combination of ranked features and devition for both set. * first column: mean accuracies for training set * second column: deviation for training set accuracies * third column: mean accuracies for test set * fourth column: deviation for test set accuracies :time: (str) Elapsed time during feature matrix generation and classification :Example: .. doctest:: >>> from EEMD_Feature_Extraction import EEMD_Feature_Extraction #parameters >>> stickout_length_training='2' >>> stickout_length_test='4p5' >>> p_train = 2 >>> p_test = 1 >>> Classifier = 'GB' >>> results = EEMD_Transfer_Learning(stickout_length_training, stickout_length_test, >>> p_train, p_test, Classifier) Enter the path of training data files: >>> D\...\cutting_tests_processed\data_2inch_stickout Enter the path of test data files: >>> D\...\cutting_tests_processed\data_4p5inch_stickout Enter the path to decompositions for training set: >>> D\...\eIMFs\data_2inch_stickout Enter the path to decompositions for test set: >>> D\...\eIMFs\data_4p5inch_stickout """ #%% user_input = input("Enter the path of training data files: ") assert os.path.exists(user_input), "Specified path does not exist at, "+str(user_input) folderToLoad1 = os.path.join(user_input) user_input2 = input("Enter the path of test data files: ") assert os.path.exists(user_input2), "Specified path does not exist at, "+str(user_input2) folderToLoad2 = os.path.join(user_input2) user_input3 = input("Enter the path to decompositions for training set: ") assert os.path.exists(user_input3), "Specified path does not exist at, "+str(user_input3) folderToLoad3 = os.path.join(user_input3) user_input4 = input("Enter the path to decompositions for test set: ") assert os.path.exists(user_input4), "Specified path does not exist at, "+str(user_input4) folderToLoad4 = os.path.join(user_input4) # start timer start =time.time() #%% Loading time series and labels of the classification namets={} rpm = {} doc = {} label = {} for k in range(2): if k==0: stickout_length = stickout_length_training folderToLoad = folderToLoad1 else: stickout_length = stickout_length_test folderToLoad = folderToLoad2 # import the list including the name of the time series of the chosen case file_name = 'time_series_name_'+stickout_length+'inch.txt' file_path = os.path.join(folderToLoad, file_name) f = open(file_path,'r',newline='\n') #save the time series name into a list namets_ = [] for line in f: names = line.split("\r\n") namets_.append(names[0]) namets[k]=namets_ file_name = 'time_series_rpm_'+stickout_length+'inch.txt' file_path = os.path.join(folderToLoad, file_name) f = open(file_path,'r',newline='\n') #save the time series name into a list rpm_ = [] for line in f: rpms = line.split("\r\n") rpm_.append(int(rpms[0])) rpm_=np.asarray(rpm_) rpm[k]=rpm_ file_name = 'time_series_doc_'+stickout_length+'inch.txt' file_path = os.path.join(folderToLoad, file_name) f = open(file_path,'r',newline='\n') #save the time series name into a list doc_ = [] for line in f: docs = line.split("\r\n") doc_.append(float(docs[0])) doc_=np.asarray(doc_) doc[k]=doc_ #import the classification labels label_file_name = stickout_length+'_inch_Labels_2Class.npy' file_path1 = os.path.join(folderToLoad, label_file_name) label_ = np.load(file_path1) label[k] = label_ #%% length of datasets numberofcase1 = len(namets[0]) numberofcase2 = len(namets[1]) C_D_Divided_={} CaseLabels ={} infoEMF={} for k in range(2): if k==0: numberofcase = numberofcase1 folderToLoad = folderToLoad1 else: numberofcase = numberofcase2 folderToLoad = folderToLoad2 ts={} #load datasets and compute features for i in range (0,numberofcase): nameofdata = '%s' %(namets[k][i]) pathofdata = os.path.join(folderToLoad, nameofdata) time_s = sio.loadmat(pathofdata) ts[i] = time_s["tsDS"] #labeled and concatanated matrix for first dataset label1=np.full((len(ts[0]),1),rpm[k][0]) label2=np.full((len(ts[0]),1),doc[k][0]) label3=np.full((len(ts[0]),1),label[k][0]) chatter_data=np.concatenate((ts[0],label1,label2,label3),axis=1) df=pd.DataFrame(chatter_data) #create concataneted dataframe in a for loop chatter_data = [] case_label = [] chatter_data.append((df.values)[:,0:2]) case_label.append(np.concatenate((label1,label2,label3),axis=1)) for i in range(0,numberofcase-1): data=ts[i+1] L=len(data) labelrpm=np.full((L,1),rpm[k][i]) labeldoc=np.full((L,1),doc[k][i]) label_c=np.full((L,1),label[k][i]) chatter_data.append(data) labels=np.concatenate((labelrpm,labeldoc,label_c),axis=1) case_label.append(labels) N=len(chatter_data) #length of actual cases C_D = chatter_data #length of each case length=np.zeros((N,1)) for i in range(0,N): length[i]=len(C_D[i]) caseLabels = np.zeros((1,3)) #intialize the matrix for labels inc = 0 # increment for total number of cases obtained after dividing approximate_number_of_cases = int((sum(length))/1000) #approximate number of cases with respect to sum of lengths of actual cases C_D_Divided=np.ndarray(shape=(approximate_number_of_cases),dtype=object) #create object array to store new cases for i in range(0,N): data=C_D[i] if len(data)>1000: division_number=int(len(data)/1000) #number determines the split=np.array_split(data,division_number) #split data into different matrices not equal in size n=len(split) #number of cases obtained from each actual case Label=np.reshape(case_label[i][0],(1,3)) for j in range(0,n): C_D_Divided[inc]=np.array(split[j]) caseLabels=np.append(caseLabels,Label,axis=0) inc=inc+1 caseLabels=caseLabels[1:] #delete the first row of matrix and C_D_Divided_[k]=C_D_Divided[0:inc] case = np.zeros((inc,1)) for i in range(0,inc): case[i]=i CaseLabels[k]=np.concatenate((caseLabels,case),axis=1) infoEMF[k]=np.ndarray(shape=(len(C_D_Divided_[k])),dtype=object) label_training = CaseLabels[0][:,2] label_test = CaseLabels[1][:,2] infoEMF_training = infoEMF[0] infoEMF_test = infoEMF[1] #%% load eIMFs stickout_length_test='4.5' #training set sys.path.insert(0,folderToLoad3) for i in range(0,len(C_D_Divided_[0])): dataname = 'IMFs_%sinch_Divided_Data_IMFs_Case%d' %(stickout_length_training,i+1) infoEMF_training[i] = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(folderToLoad3, dataname)) infoEMF_training[i] = infoEMF_training[i]['eIMF'] #test set sys.path.insert(0,folderToLoad4) for i in range(0,len(C_D_Divided_[1])): dataname = 'IMFs_%sinch_Divided_Data_IMFs_Case%d' %(stickout_length_test,i+1) infoEMF_test[i] = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(folderToLoad4, dataname)) infoEMF_test[i] = infoEMF_test[i]['eIMF'] #%% compute features for eIMFs features_ = {} for m in range(2): if m==0: p = p_train eIMFs_ = infoEMF_training else: p = p_test eIMFs_ = infoEMF_test features=np.zeros((len(C_D_Divided_[m]),7)) for i in range(0,len(C_D_Divided_[m])): eIMFs = eIMFs_[i] #feature_1 nIMFs=len(eIMFs) A = np.power(eIMFs[p-1],2) A_sum = sum(A) #summing squares of whole elements of second IMF B_sum = 0 for k in range(nIMFs): B_sum = B_sum + sum(np.power(eIMFs[k],2)) #computing summing of squares of whole elements of IMFs features[i,0]=A_sum/B_sum #energy ratio feature #feature_2 Peak to peak value Maximum = max(eIMFs[p-1]) Minimum = min(eIMFs[p-1]) features[i,1] = Maximum - Minimum #feature_3 standard deviation features[i,2] = np.std(eIMFs[p-1]) #feature_4 root mean square (RMS) features[i,3] = np.sqrt(np.mean(eIMFs[p-1]**2)) #feature_5 Crest factor features[i,4] = Maximum/features[i,3] #feature_6 Skewness features[i,5] = skew(eIMFs[p-1]) #feature_7 Kurtosis L= len(eIMFs[p-1]) features[i,6] = sum(np.power(eIMFs[p-1]-np.mean(eIMFs[p-1]),4)) / ((L-1)*np.power(features[i,3],4)) features_[m] = features #%%---------------CLASSIFICATION----------------------------------------------- accuracy1 = np.zeros((7,10)) accuracy2 = np.zeros((7,10)) deviation1 = np.zeros((7,1)) deviation2 = np.zeros((7,1)) meanscore1 = np.zeros((7,1)) meanscore2 = np.zeros((7,1)) #repeat the procedure ten times Rank=[] RankedList=[] for o in range(0,10): #split into test and train set F_Training_Train,F_Training_Test,Label_Training_Train,Label_Training_Test= train_test_split(features_[0],label_training, test_size=0.33) F_Test_Train,F_Test_Test,Label_Test_Train,Label_Test_Test= train_test_split(features_[1],label_test, test_size=0.70) #classification if Classifier=='SVC': clf = SVC(kernel='linear') elif Classifier=='LR': clf = LogisticRegression() elif Classifier=='RF': clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_depth=2, random_state=0) elif Classifier=='GB': clf = GradientBoostingClassifier() #recursive feature elimination selector = RFE(clf, 1, step=1) Label_train=np.ravel(Label_Training_Train) Label_test =np.ravel(Label_Test_Test) selector =, Label_train) rank = selector.ranking_ Rank.append(rank) rank = np.asarray(rank) #create a list that contains index numbe of ranked features rankedlist = np.zeros((7,1)) #finding index of the ranked features and creating new training and test sets with respect to this ranking for m in range (1,8): k=np.where(rank==m) rankedlist[m-1]=k[0][0] F_Training_Train[:,m-1] = F_Training_Train[:,int(rankedlist[m-1][0])] F_Test_Test[:,m-1] = F_Test_Test[:,int(rankedlist[m-1][0])] RankedList.append(rankedlist) #trying various combinations of ranked features such as ([1],[1,2],[1,2,3]...) for p in range(0,7):[:,0:p+1],Label_train) score1=clf.score(F_Test_Test[:,0:p+1],Label_test) score2=clf.score(F_Training_Train[:,0:p+1],Label_train) accuracy1[p,o]=score1 accuracy2[p,o]=score2 #computing mean score and deviation for each combination tried above for n in range(0,7): deviation1[n,0]=np.std(accuracy1[n,:]) deviation2[n,0]=np.std(accuracy2[n,:]) meanscore1[n,0]=np.mean(accuracy1[n,:]) meanscore2[n,0]=np.mean(accuracy2[n,:]) results = np.concatenate((meanscore1,deviation1,meanscore2,deviation2),axis=1) results = 100*results #total duration for algorithm end = time.time() duration = end-start print('Classification is completed in {} seconds.'.format(duration)) return results, features_[0],features_[1]